How lovely to meet you!

My name is Leah and I am a writer, educator and leader. My desire is to encourage people, especially women, to grow intellectually, spiritually, and holistically as they live deeper, pay attention to the beauty in all things, appreciate wonder, love their children well and thrive in life. 

This heart is particularly expressed through Modern Miss Mason which is about sharing the philosophy of the 19th century educator Charlotte Mason with a new generation. Over the past decade I have been sharing my own journey of homeschooling with Mothers around the world and it seems to be resonating with an ever growing group of incredible friends!

You can find out more about what I do and can offer via my website and I look forward to connecting with you via Social Media or in real life soon!

Leah x

Leah’s Bio

Leah Boden is wife to Dave, mother to four children, and a longtime home educator. With over two decades of experience in church leadership, Leah’s background also features many years in youth, children’s, and family work within the church and for the local education authority. Leah speaks, hosts podcasts and coaching sessions, and runs The Collective membership sharing the beauty of a Charlotte Mason approach to childhood, motherhood, and education. She and her family live in the West Midlands, England.

Leah is the author of Modern Miss Mason - Discover how Charlotte Mason’s revolutionary ideas on home education can change how you and your children learn and grow together (Tyndale 2023).