101 Ways To Ask For A Narration

"101 Ways to Ask for a Narration" offers a multitude of prompts that encourage children to engage with knowledge and explore their ideas. These prompts are designed to cultivate narrations, spark lively discussions, and hopefully infuse more joy and creativity into your learning days.

For families who integrate narration into everyday life from the toddler years onwards, this process can feel natural and effortless. Children grow accustomed to narrating their learning experiences, both orally and in writing. However, for those introducing narration later in a child's educational journey or for some neurodiverse children, resistance and difficulty may arise. It's crucial not to become disheartened but to identify and address any obstacles, fostering connections to support ongoing learning.

Remember, you’re the expert on your child—get creative and see what works best for you.

Download the guide here for £5.99 and have fun exploring narration with your children.

This guide is here to support you every step of the way!


Leah x

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